Image me
Till Gombert

A photographic image in its production: exposure, development and reproduction. As the subject of its recording the faces of two people. The experimental short film «IMAGE ME» equates the face with the photographic image, exposing the merge with our depiction and a mechanics of rotation around our own axis.
Image me
Till Gombert

A photographic image in its production: exposure, development and reproduction. As the subject of its recording the faces of two people. The experimental short film «IMAGE ME» equates the face with the photographic image, exposing the merge with our depiction and a mechanics of rotation around our own axis.
Till Gombert was born 1991 in Freiburg (Germany) to a family of photographers. He studied from 2014 til 2020 at Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe with a major in Media Art / Film and continues his studies within the postgraduate program of Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln.
He directs narrative films, with a minimalistic approach that take their time for observation, and experimental films, often shot on Super8. Tills work has been selected for various festivals, i.a. Beijing Int. Short Film Festival, Szczecin European Film Festival and Interface Video Art Festival.